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All armor sold as a Pair (2x Pieces) - (Made in the USA)


All plates are Compliant with NIJ standard -  Fully tested by independent Lab HP White laboratory


  • A stand alone armor plate with multiple hit capability - passed NIJ 0101.06 6 shot stand alone tests against 5.56 M855 M80 ball (greentip) at 2800fps and 5.56 M193 55 Grain FMJ at 2900fps. In house testing defeated 30-06 165 grain copper tip trophy
  • Level 3+ plates are manufactured from a proprietary steel reaching Brinnell Hardness ratings in 600 - 630
  • Lightweight 


A CNC laser cutting table is used for the cutting of all Steel core products. 


A Spall Coat / Spall Sleeve is highly recommended to reduce / mitigate the risks of fragmentation Spall sleeves are our prefereed method (for both weight and cost savings) and are available here.


LVL III+ Lightweight Side Plates

  • 6x6 Base Coat


    6x6 Spall Coat


    6x8 Base Coat


    6x8 Spall Coat
